
Where is my rest day??



3 more days till VCM plant start up and shut down work will come to an end. I can barely stand the shut down atmosphere as the team was working 7 am to 7 pm (12 hours) EVERYDAY… This morning having headache already. I really need a rest day after our shut down since 13 July… I WANT MY REST DAY!!!!


Shutdown Mood



My plant maintenance shutdown has already begun. I am in charge of Non Standard Repair (NSR) items, in which involves 29 work items scattered all over the plant. Managing 5 different contractors at those areas are not easy. A lot of internal collaboration between Maintenance, Operations, Technical Services, and contractors are crucial to succeed. Maintenance work coordination is not easy when you have several job around the plant, each with their own contractors. Arrangements for the pre work is a headache as preparation for NSR and documentation is insufficient. Contractors are not aware of blinding points required during maintenance work execution. Therefore, resulting in misunderstanding in the scope of work. Even myself have to consult the planner on certain issues arising from contractors.

Working shift from 7 am to 7 pm (most of the time more than 12 hours) will demolish all your personal time, especially your entertainment time. It is so difficult to find time to go to after work sessions, such as lepak at StarBucks for coffee… :-)

Since there are not many jobs today, I manage to take an early leave from the office to claim my personal time. Too bad all Engineering Services Department personal leave are frozen by our senior manager. Thus taking annual leave is not an option during shutdown period (21 days).

18 days more to go… Gambatteh!!!!


Quake and Tsunami Prediction???


Just got an email from Mandy regarding the Quake and Tsunami which were to come this July. I heard about this early this year but however kinda forget about it…

I’m not sure whether it is real… Just to share this info to all…






身为新鲜人的我刚踏入社会,结果一踏就进入位于登加奴,Kerteh 的 Vinyl Chloride (M) Sdn Bhd (VCMSB)。当时的我对登加奴非常陌生,唯一的印象就是大学时期到热浪岛的必经之路。




在 VCMSB 工作了一个月,被安排担任 PVC Plant 的 Mechanical Maintenance Executive。工作量还算可以(后来才知道那些根本不算工作)。开始了解公司的营运方式。




第一次体验了 PVC Plant shutdown。学习了很多 technical 的知识,也了解到作为 Maintenance Department 的辛酸的工作路程。




原本由两位 engineer 负责的 PVC Plant Mechanical Team 现在只剩下我一个人负责。对我来说是一个艰难的考验。除了要了解工厂的运作,还要拥有足够的 Mechanical 知识、管辖 technician (9 位)、和尽量满足 Operation 部门的各项(合理 / 不合理)要求。




Engineering Services Department 配合公司的 Staff Mobility Programme,我被安插在 VCM Plant 担任 Mechanical Maintenance Executive。VCM Plant 规模比 PVC Plant 大、比 PVC Plant 更 Toxic 和危险。花了好一段时间来适应。。。




接触了很多 Contract 的工作,如准备新的 contract,contract extension,contract piggy ride (骑猪。。。???)。接手了一些 Project,生活开始为这些 project 而忙碌。也成了许多 activities 的 Focal Person。在这11个月里,一共担任了8个职位和3个Project:

(1) ENG HSE Sub-Committee Meeting Secretary

(2) Mechanical Section Meeting Secretary

(3) ENG PPE Compliance Task Force Secretary

(4) ENG Best Safety Talk Speaker Focal Person

(5) ENG Job Freeze Exercise Focal Person

(6) Behavioural Safety (BS) ENG Dept. Focal Person

(7) Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessment (CHRA) ENG Dept. Focal Person

(8) DDT Pigging Work Focal Person

(9) Defective Corrective Action Plan (DCAP) Project

(10) Waste Water Management Project

(11) Zero Plant Spill Project


Shutdown & K 书??


公司7月15号会 shutdown 进行维修工作,所以现在公司上下都忙着作最后的准备工作。原本计划7月10号 shutdown,因为 VCM 和 PVC 的7月市场价有上升的趋势,CEO 就下令延迟 shutdown。

P.S. Shutdown 不是因为世界经济风波的关系。这是 Maintenance Shutdown,为了维修而 shutdown。

很不巧的在 shutdown 当天我有 ACD (Accelerated Capability Development) 的 assessment。感觉又回到大学时期的 study week。只是这次的 study week 也必须要工作,所以时间的安排上也非常苦难。


幸好之前曾经去 DOMI of Rotating Equipment 的 Training,至少能够了解 Rotating Equipment 的基本知识。


由于我的工作性质跟我的 SKG (Skill Group) 不相称,所以这 assessment 对我来说会有相当的难度。我的工作是 Mechanical Static,反而 SKG 是 Mechanical Rotating。

所以现在一边忙着 shutdown 的准备工作,一边忙着 K 书。